Tarpon season this year was absolutely fantastic in regards to the weather and number of fish we saw on a day to day basis. Fishing has been consistently more productive during the early and late hours of the day and I believe has directly to do with the lack of boat traffic and/or pressure. Due to increasing angling pressure, it’s hard to imagine fish that are an estimated 15-60 years old don’t remember getting shown food every couple hundred yards down the beach. When fly fishing or fishing for any species anywhere you go, space is the key to success.
There are always high points in the season when they bite really good and low points when they don’t want to touch a thing. All of it revolves around the real reason we see a huge fluctuation of fish during “Tarpon season” and it has to do with their spawning cycle/ritual. Paying attention to lunar cycles is the bible when tarpon fishing. I try to imagine it as a mass big game movement.
Thank you to everyone joining me this season and I cannot wait until the next.